TTLS: A Grouped Display of Search Results based on Organizational Taxonomy using the LCC&K Interface

Viki Mordechai, Offer Drori, Ariel J. Frank Technical report 2007-124, Leibniz Center for Research in Computer Science - Hebrew university 26.11.2007 06:36
TTLS: A Grouped Display of Search Results based on Organizational Taxonomy using the LCC&K Interface

(147) One of the major problems in the process of Information Retrieval (IR) arises at the stage where the user reviews the results list. This paper presents the latest research in a series of research works that aims at finding the most vital information components, within a list of search results, so as to assist the user in high-quality decision making as to which of the resulting documents are included within the sought after results of the search task We propose here a new model for displaying the results named TTLS (Taxonomy Tree & LCC&K Snippet). The experimentation setup included execution of different search tasks by a group of 60 participants. The tasks were performed via the BASE and TTLS interfaces. From the resulting times comparison it is clear that the execution times of tasks done via the TTLS interface is shorter that those done via the BASE interface. It can be seen that in the BASE interface it was needed to open more documents in order to locate the relevant information than in the TTLS interface. It turns out that the majority of users (77%) prefer to use the TTLS interface.


attachment drori112007.pdf

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